cst review

  1. 1. which type of volcano would be the least explosive?
  2. 2. the surface of plant mercury and moon contain some verylarge craters that are most likely the result of
  3. 7. the convergence of two continental plate would produce
  4. 8. what energy resource is made possible by the volcanic activity in California?
  5. 10. which of the following energy sources is most likely to be abundant in California due to its position on plate boundery?
  6. 11. a rift valley is evidence of which kind of plate boundary?
  7. 14. stars begin their life cycle in
  8. 15. the youngest rocks on the ocean floor are typically located near what feature?
  9. 16. which planet was formed from the light gases of the outer solar nebula?
  1. 1. whinch of the following provides evidence for plate tectonics?
  2. 3. geothermal energy is possible where there is
  3. 4. the richter scalemeasures which of the following earthquakes characteristics?
  4. 5. the sun is an average yellow star in the milky way galaxy, which is described as
  5. 6. the final stage of a star's existence is determined stars will end their lives as
  6. 9. what is the source of energy for the sun?
  7. 12. relative cooling rates of igneous intrusive rocks can be estimated by comparing rocks'
  8. 13. earthquake vibrations are detected, measures, and recorded by instuments called