CTAW Valentine's Day

  1. 3. sweet, chewy candy made from butter and sugar
  2. 5. natural beauty of an area
  3. 8. a great price!
  4. 10. small comfortable hotel in the country
  5. 11. there’s pressure to do this!
  6. 12. really big kiss
  7. 13. day of relaxing with massages
  8. 16. sincerely
  9. 19. admit something that may not be popular
  10. 21. Meaning of 143
  11. 22. feeling of romantic love with someone you don’t know well
  12. 23. having to do with love
  13. 24. metal chains and gems people wear
  14. 26. funny, not serious
  1. 1. uncomfortable feeling of emotional pressure to do something
  2. 2. place to stay with a place to sleep and morning meal
  3. 4. a bunch of flowers
  4. 6. lots of
  5. 7. bored because I have __________
  6. 9. kiss
  7. 10. before the time
  8. 12. buying very quickly
  9. 14. a loved one
  10. 15. feeling forced to do something
  11. 17. making everyone in a group feel accepted
  12. 18. a saved room in hotel or table in restaurant
  13. 20. soft puffy candy made from cream and sugar
  14. 25. love