Cullen Van Kirk
- 2. An example of an input device that you type with
- 4. Where you plug in your headphones
- 7. Where you plug the printer into the computer
- 9. Where the CPU, Heatsink, and the RAM is found
- 13. The physical components of a computer
- 14. The cord that provides the image for the computer
- 15. The brain of the computer
- 17. An input device you use to move the cursor
- 18. An output device that you use to print
- 1. The programs that run the computer
- 3. Keeps the computer cool
- 5. What powers the computer up
- 6. What give the computer power
- 8. A series of 1s and 0s that mean something to the computer
- 9. An example of an output device that displays the image
- 10. The place that reads CDs or DVDs
- 11. Where you plug in power cord
- 12. A device that stores data permanently
- 16. Also called the tower
- 19. Stores data temporarily