
  1. 2. someone that has moved to another country
  2. 4. a set of rules on how to behave
  3. 6. morals, ethics that you have
  4. 9. culture ... (being surprised after being confronted with a certain culture)
  5. 10. to ... culture (keep)
  6. 13. separation of people based on race etc.
  7. 14. cultural ... (something left by ancestors)
  8. 15. accepting the society's standards
  1. 1. depending on each other (people, countries)
  2. 3. a prejudice, often wrong
  3. 5. how you see the world
  4. 7. cultural ... (the spread of a language, culture etc.)
  5. 8. being different
  6. 11. cultural and national identity
  7. 12. discrimination because of race