
  1. 3. kirjailija
  2. 6. a person who writes news articles
  3. 9. pictures or drawings in a story
  4. 13. a speech at the end of a book or a play
  5. 14. text that appears on screen when film or TV-show characters are talking
  6. 15. ensi-esiintyminen
  1. 1. kuoleman jälkeen
  2. 2. kapellimestari
  3. 4. roolijako
  4. 5. media joukkotiedotusvälineet
  5. 7. speech recorded and placed over already spoken words(that are in a another language)in films and TV-shows
  6. 8. koe-esiintyminen
  7. 10. kertosäe
  8. 11. kassamagneetti
  9. 12. antihero