Customer Service Key Concepts

  1. 1. There's never a ___________ time to do business with a customer, if your doors are open for business.
  2. 4. You as an employee are one of your company's most valuable ___________.
  3. 8. Businesses earn a lot of money because they are ___________.
  4. 10. The first step toward improving customer service is to ___________ the level of service you currently provide and then to determine the level you wish to provide.
  5. 11. Customers must feel comfortable while doing business with you. Adapt to their ___________ as best as you can.
  6. 12. Do more than you get ___________ for.
  7. 14. In the long run, repeat business depends on customer ___________.
  8. 17. When handling customer complaints, handle them quickly so the customer is dissatisfied for the ___________ possible length of time.
  1. 2. Develop the feeling of ___________ for your job/work. Make the most of it. You'll be happy and successful as a result.
  2. 3. Every question a customer asks is a request for information that will help him/her make a buying decision, either now or in the ___________.
  3. 5. Positive thinking produces positive ___________.
  4. 6. Fix the problem not the ___________.
  5. 7. Use your own ___________ as a customer to help you understand the principles of good customer relations.
  6. 9. Customers are judging and grading the service they receive during every ___________ at your place of business.
  7. 13. Envision yourself asking the customer to sign your ___________, and you'll develop an accurate picture of the customer's role in your life.
  8. 15. Be a problem-___________.
  9. 16. Doing just a little more than the customer expects is a sure-fire way to develop customer ___________.