Customer Service: Serving Internal Customers/ Finding Your Time Management Style

  1. 1. Dave is having _ ___ ___.
  2. 5. coworkers who engage in inappropriate behavior
  3. 7. focused on creating many projects
  4. 11. focused on finding the right answers
  5. 14. unpredictable office underling and pushover
  6. 16. focused on helping others learn
  7. 17. state I live in
  8. 18. focuses on resolving issues
  9. 20. what Tiffany does when she daydreams about laid back summer reading at Berea
  10. 23. concentrating, being attentive, and asking clarifying questions are all _____ _____.
  11. 28. library software that operates unpredictably
  12. 30. adjective describing vital organs and coworker customer service
  13. 31. type of communication that involves giving attention, responding thoroughly and anticipating questionsDave who was the most difficult employee in Janice's office?
  14. 32. Charissa's cat
  15. 34. Tiffany's last day at Pelham- aka the end of the world as we know it
  16. 35. focused on creativity and variety
  17. 37. focused on attending to the needs of others
  1. 2. techniques for maintenance and repair of positive attitude
  2. 3. property clear expectations and appropriate limits related to work life
  3. 4. go the extra _____.
  4. 6. disappointed in Janice because she isn't clear and specific with her communication
  5. 8. who was ridiculously desperate to feed the newbies?
  6. 9. pretty nice bald guy who does all the morning work while Heather just watches
  7. 10. accepting responsibility for one's actions
  8. 12. library, en espanol
  9. 13. person who drives a truck, i.e. Ruth or Lee
  10. 15. "host with the most" tips for internal customer service
  11. 18. sometimes regarded as the greatest writer in the english language. Anna is not impressed.
  12. 19. barrier to effective internal customer service, conversation distraction, and life-sucker
  13. 21. unlikable Time Management know-it-all
  14. 22. focused on inspiring or motivating others
  15. 24. listen, acknowledge, understand, relate, act
  16. 25. focused on new projects and ventures
  17. 26. creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened
  18. 27. focused on rescuing others
  19. 29. focused on completing many tasks
  20. 33. Patience and Fortitude at New York Public Library
  21. 36. branch Tiffany is leaving us for