- 7. Adjective for a positive and engaging demeanor
- 9. Synonym for “query,” often used in customer service contexts
- 10. Measure of how fast a service is
- 13. A polite greeting, often a prelude to help
- 16. Act of tailoring a service to a customer’s need
- 17. Often the goal of customer service - ensuring the client is satisfied
- 22. Type of behavior service teams should avoid
- 23. A platform for immediate customer feedback
- 25. Valuable asset built over time with great service
- 26. An online platform that offers fast and convenient customer assistance
- 28. The customer is always ___ - common saying
- 29. The ability to manage difficult situations calmly
- 1. Frequent interactions build this with clients
- 2. Improvement in service quality can be seen as this
- 3. Repeatedly used for troubleshooting, helps clarify issues
- 4. Act of checking the client’s issue thoroughly
- 5. Formal recognition of purchase
- 6. Ensuring assistance meets high standards
- 8. Customer service representatives seek to do this with customers
- 11. Software used for managing customer interactions and tracking support cases
- 12. Final step after solving a problem
- 14. The act of observing and evaluating service
- 15. Encouragement, opposite of blame
- 18. Feeling customers get when their concerns are dismissed
- 19. Reviewing past performance
- 20. Common abbreviation for measuring customer satisfaction levels
- 21. Act of listening and responding to concerns
- 24. Essential quality to connect emotionally with customers
- 27. Type of feedback that is constructive