CV and Respiratory system

  1. 3. muscle that allows the lungs to expand and relax
  2. 5. carry blood away from the heart
  3. 9. when the heart relaxes and fills with blood
  4. 10. air volume left in the lungs
  5. 13. bottom chamber in the heart
  6. 14. carry deoxygenated blood
  1. 1. where gaseous exchange happens at the muscle tissue
  2. 2. two tubes in the airway that lead to the lungs
  3. 4. protein in red blood cells
  4. 6. air volume taking in a breath
  5. 7. air sacs where gaseous exchange happens
  6. 8. largest blood vessel in the body
  7. 11. when the heart contracts and pumps blood out
  8. 12. top chamber in the heart