CVD and Diabetes

  1. 2. / Diabetes in pregnancy
  2. 7. / These cells in the pancreas produce insulin
  3. 8. / A food component that you should get 25-30g of as per TLC
  4. 10. / Elevated BP
  5. 11. / This citrus juice can interfere with a number of medications
  6. 13. / The type of fat that reduces triglyceride levels when replacing high GI CHO
  7. 15. / The result of chronic hyperglycemia
  8. 16. / This medication type inhibits a rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis
  9. 18. / This cell is a "fat laden macrophage" that develops from fatty streaks
  10. 19. / A K-sparing diuretic that may cause weight loss
  11. 22. / The type of fat that increases LDL, TG, TC and reduces HDL.
  1. 1. / A DPP-4 inhibitor
  2. 3. / A super important element to limit when you have hypertension
  3. 4. / Advising a patient on lifestyle changes would be this step of the NCP
  4. 5. / A drug that may be used to slow the progression of prediabetes, could also result in compromised B12 status with long term use
  5. 6. / A nutrition diagnosis domain concerned with what/how much the patient takes in
  6. 9. / Progressive narrowing of the arteries
  7. 12. / Eating more fruits and veggies will help you get more of this mineral
  8. 14. / The most important principle about carbohydrate intake for diabetics is this
  9. 17. / Obstruction of blood flow d/t thrombosis
  10. 20. / A HUGE risk factor for diabetes and heart disease too
  11. 21. / A K-depleting diuretic that is OK for renal patients too