Cyber Crossword 2023
- 4. A technique where an attacker moves from one compromised system to the next.
- 5. A cyber attack that makes a system unavailable to its intended users.
- 6. The group responsible for defending the organization's information systems during a cybersecurity test.
- 8. A cyber attack where the victim's data is held hostage and the attacker demands a payment.
- 1. Type of authentication that requires users to enter more than just a password.
- 2. An exhaustive method for cracking passwords.
- 3. In this attack, the attacker intercepts communication to eavesdrop or impersonate.
- 7. Triad of cybersecurity tenets.
- 9. Ancient cipher used by the Greeks.
- 10. A group of penetration testers used to simulate the actions of those who are malicious.