Cyber Defense Terms

  1. 5. a program that uses virus detection technology to protect users from viruses, spyware, trojans, and worms that can infect equipment through email or internet browsing
  2. 7. the process of verifying the identity of a user or piece of information and the veracity of information provided, e.g. with a password or other credential
  3. 11. a bit of code that provides additional, revised, or updated data for an operating system or application
  4. 13. cybersecurity services that operate from within a network and not at the endpoint and can therefore protect any connected device regardless of model or operating system
  5. 14. features which may be included in digital television services, computer and video games, mobile devices, and software that allow parents to restrict the access of content to their children
  6. 15. the concept of continuing to operate without interruption despite an emergency situation
  7. 16. Secure __________ Layer is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser
  8. 21. Indicators of ___________ are bits of forensic data from system log entries or files that identify potentially malicious activity on a system or network
  9. 22. An Intrusion ____________ System is a network security system designed to prevent network penetration by malicious actors
  10. 23. __________ Assessment is a structured process used to identify and evaluate various risks that an organization might be exposed to
  11. 24. the concept of ensuring that data and systems have not been accessed or modified and are therefore accurate and trustworthy
  1. 1. a control list that allows and denies elements such as email addresses, users, passwords, URLs, IP addresses, domain names, file hashes, etc. through the system
  2. 2. Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart - a challenge-response test commonly used by websites to verify the user is a real human and not a bot
  3. 3. a program designed to protect computers and networks against any threats or attacks from viruses such as adware, spyware, and any such other malicious programs
  4. 4. a process of maintaining data confidentiality by converting plain data into secret code with the help of an algorithm
  5. 6. ____________ Authentication combines a static password with an external authentication device such as a phone or email for added security
  6. 8. Security __________ Response is a planned approach to addressing and managing the reaction after a cyber attack or network security breach
  7. 9. a list of permitted items that are automatically let through whatever gate is being used, e.g. allowed sites, users, email addresses
  8. 10. creating an isolated environment on a network that mimics a regular computer in order to safely execute suspicious code without risking harm
  9. 12. a digital boundary that is defined for a system or domain and within which a specified security policy is applied
  10. 17. extends a private network across a public network - essentially a virtual, secure corridor
  11. 18. a facility where information systems (websites, applications, databases, data centers and servers, networks, desktops, and other endpoints) are monitored, assessed, and defended by analysts
  12. 19. a security system that forms a virtual perimeter around a network of workstations preventing viruses, worms, and hackers from penetrating
  13. 20. the practice of intentionally challenging the security of a computer system, network, or web application to discover vulnerabilities that an attacker or hacker could exploit