Cyber quiz

  1. 1. a cyber attacker who uses software and other methods to steal information
  2. 4. An error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program.
  3. 5. Programs that automatically execute tasks as ordered by the creator
  4. 6. Cryptocurrency, a form of electronic cash
  5. 9. any kind of software designed to damage, or enable unauthorized access, to computer systems.
  6. 13. Attaching a phone number or email address to an account for heightened security
  7. 15. secret word or phrase that is used to access a computer system
  8. 17. Confirmation of someone's identity using a password or fingerprint
  9. 18. previously unknown, bug, flaw, or backdoor in software can lead to attacks and damage.
  10. 19. allows you to create a secure connection to another network using the internet.
  11. 20. programs and other operating systems used by a computer.
  1. 2. protecting computers, networks, programs, and data from unauthorized access
  2. 3. taking advantage of human trust to gain access to private information
  3. 7. An alternative way to access software typically unauthorized.
  4. 8. The physical and tangible parts of a computer
  5. 10. typically attached to files, applications or downloads that appear to be non-threatening elements. Once downloaded they can piggybank onto programs to corrupt data or do other damage.
  6. 11. Creating a fake identity on a social network account to target a specific victim
  7. 12. Hacking that is meant to do minimal damage
  8. 14. string of numbers used to identify each computer using the internet on a network.
  9. 16. predate viruses and have infected systems since mainframes were the only computers in existence. capable of self-replication