  1. 4. software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system.
  2. 6. generally use for encryption process.
  3. 8. parts of internet not fully accessible through standard search engines like google or yahoo.
  4. 12. SMS means?
  5. 13. father of First handed cellular phone.
  6. 16. software that enables a user to obtain covert information about another's computer activities by transmitting data covertly from their hard drive.
  7. 18. an application that allows the sending of message between computer via a network.
  8. 20. a person who combines phone phreaking with computer hacking.
  9. 22. a data string used to verify the identity of a user
  10. 23. a location service that allows cell towers and sattillites to pin point where you are in the world.
  11. 24. type of display device technology sharper and more battery efficient than LCD.
  12. 25. any code that is intentionally included in software or hardware for an unauthorized purpose.
  13. 27. a crypto hash which function is input bit hash value.
  14. 28. the process of examining data traffic for the purpose of finding passwords to use later in masquerading attacks
  15. 29. in criminal cases, the person charge is referred to as :
  16. 32. a low power short range wireless technology design to provide a replacement for the serial cable.
  17. 34. the right of individual to control the collection of access to, and use personal information about him or her.
  18. 38. a vertual cabinet for storing your mobile devices files.
  19. 39. first cellphone invented in history of electronic communication.
  20. 41. a hacker whose intentions are not criminal or malicious.
  21. 42. a piece of software designed and created to update a computer program to improve it.
  22. 43. a Smart phone operating system developed by Google.
  23. 44. 4G-LTE;5G-
  24. 45. the person who developed back rub.
  25. 46. the process of taking over a live connection between two users so that the attacker can masquerade as one of the users.
  26. 48. the leftover space on a device where a file is store.
  27. 49. he emerge as the father of instrument.
  1. 1. two words when combined hold the most letters.
  2. 2. the property that information is not made available to unauthorized individual.
  3. 3. refers to any tool that permits read only access to data storage without compromising the integrity of data.
  4. 5. it is also called transceiver jargon.
  5. 7. malicious code or program written to alter the way computer operates.
  6. 9. search algorithm and initially search engine develop by Larry page.
  7. 10. a device that records the telephone numbers of calls received by a particular telephone
  8. 11. program designed to breach the security of a computer system while ostensibly performing some innocuous function.
  9. 14. the internal space or environment created by linking computer together into communication network.
  10. 15. a volatile memory that temporarily store the files you are working on.
  11. 17. the act of illegally copying digital material posted online into the storage medium on ones computer.
  12. 19. hard drive-spinning disk; solid state drive?
  13. 21. the process of disguising one computer user as another.
  14. 26. an attack that causes the targeted system to be unable to fulfill its intended function.
  15. 30. protecting information or hiding its meaning by converting it into a secret code before sending it out over a public network.
  16. 31. is one in which the ingredients of the offenses are committed in many places.
  17. 33. slang for pirated software.
  18. 35. the evolution of mobile communication that is massive and seamless end to end connectivity and mobility.
  19. 36. a data string used to verify the identity of user.
  20. 37. a features that allows other devices to share the mobile internet data of your mobile phone.
  21. 38. service which enables users to bar certain incoming or out going calls on there mobile phones.
  22. 40. what comes before exabyte.
  23. 46. the language in which most webpage are written.
  24. 47. any data, device or component that support information related activities.