- 1. A generally derogatory term used to describe activities associated with hacking in its second sense, that of unauthorized access to computer systems.
- 2. A visual or written representations of sexually explicit nature, whose primary aim or use is to stimulate sexual excitement.
- 4. means any card, plate, coupon book, or other credit device existing for the purpose of obtaining money, goods, property, labor or services or anything of value on credit;
- 5. A lower power short range wireless technology design to provide a replacement for the serial cable.
- 7. A hacker whose intensions are not criminal or malicious
- 8. In criminal cases, the person charge is referred to as?
- 11. The systematic observation and monitoring of people and places as a tool for effecting greater control over behavior.
- 12. A virtual cabinet for storing your mobile devices files.
- 13. A features that allows other devices to share the mobile internet data of your mobile phone
- 14. Occurs when a person uses the Internet to steal someone’s identity and/or impersonate them to open a new credit card account or conduct some other financial transaction.
- 15. Software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system
- 18. Taking into custody the property described in the searched warrant as a result of a proper search, which is to be utilized as evidence in case.
- 19. Political activism and social protest that uses hacking tools and techniques
- 22. The property that information is not made available to unauthorized individual
- 23. Techniques and tools associated with encoding or scrambling data in such a way as to render it incomprehensible to others not in possession of a key that is needed to decipher the data into its original legible form.
- 25. The fraudulent practice of sending emails to individuals that purport to come from legitimate Internet retailer or financial service.
- 26. includes design, alter, authenticate, duplicate or assemble; and
- 29. What comes before Exabyte
- 30. A Terrorist activity that targets computer networks and information systems for attack.
- 36. The language in which most webpage are written.
- 38. Breaching laws on obscenity and decency
- 40. Access Control System is generally implemented using firewalls, which provide a centralized point from which to permit or allow to access.
- 41. Slang for pirated software is called?
- 42. The intentional or reckless alteration, damaging, deletion or deterioration of computer data, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right, including the introduction or transmission of viruses.
- 43. The publicly accessible network of computers that emerged in the 1970s and came to span the globe by the late 1990s.
- 47. Legally institutionalized rights to own and control goods.
- 48. refer only to the communication’s origin, destination, route, time, date, size, duration, or type of underlying service, but not content, nor identities.
- 51. A device that records the telephone numbers of calls received by a particular telephone
- 52. is also called transceiver jargon
- 53. The act of creative problem solving when faced with complex technical problems; the illicit and usually illegal activities associated with unauthorized access to, interference with, computer system.
- 54. The act of copying digital material posted online into the storage medium on one’s computer.
- 55. Method of search used when the area to be search is divided into quadrants and each searcher is assign to one quadrant.
- 56. The fraudulent practice of establishing facsimiles or legitimate websites, to which victims can be directed and where they will unknowingly surrender sensitive information such as bank details, credit card numbers and account passwords.
- 57. The willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration.
- 58. A person who reads discussions on a message board, news group, chat room, file sharing or other intereactive system, but rarely participates.
- 1. Doing psychological harm to, or inciting physical harm against others, thereby breaching laws relating to the protection of the person, e.g. hate speech, stalking.
- 3. Stalking that takes place via online communication mechanism such as email, chat rooms, instant messaging, and discussion lists.
- 6. Those property rights associated with original expressions, be they in visual, spoken, written, audio or other forms. The possession of copyright over an expression entitles the holder to control its copying and distribution.
- 9. refers to the collection of tools, policies, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and organization and user’s assets.
- 10. The interactional space or environment created by linking computers together into a communication net5work.
- 12. Any criminal activity that takes place within or by utilizing networks of electronic communication such as the Internet.
- 16. A popular term for copyright violations- the unauthorized copying, distribution or sale of informational goods over which some party claims to possess propriety rights.
- 17. Generally used for encryption process
- 20. An unauthorized person uses the identity of an unauthorized computer user to access the computer system.
- 21. Malicious code program written to alter the way
- 24. The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future.
- 27. Is one which the ingredients of the offense are committed in many palce
- 28. Pieces of computer code that can infect computer system causing disruptions to their normal operation.
- 31. means transferring, or otherwise disposing of, to another, or obtaining control of, with intent to transfer or dispose of.
- 32. Proof of identity is an essential component to identify intruder
- 33. The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right
- 34. Father of first handed cellular phone
- 35. Malicious software programs which are infiltrated into computers disguised as benign applications or data.
- 37. Software that enables a user to obtain covert information about another’s computer activities by transmitting data covertly from their hard drive.
- 39. The person who develop back rub
- 44. Any data, device or component that support information related activities.
- 45. Physical security is most sensitive component, as prevention from cybercrime. Computer network should be protected from access of unauthorized persons.
- 46. Repeated harassing, or threatening behavior, in which an offender persistently contracts, follows, approaches, threatens or otherwise subjects a victim to unwelcome attentions.
- 49. A person illegally obtains data from a computer system by leaking it out in small amounts.
- 50. Criminal acts that tend to go largely unobserved, unremarked, and unrecorded in official assessments and measures of criminal activity.
- 51. Two words when combined hold the most letter