
  1. 1. Tricks you by posing as real company
  2. 6. Altered Audio/Video to trick users
  3. 7. Periodic security updates
  4. 11. Virus that appears to be useful
  5. 13. Coding to hide info from hackers.
  6. 15. Software demanding money to unlock Personal information
  7. 17. Technology used to keep intruders out
  8. 19. Uses Hand, Voice, and face recognition
  1. 2. Unauthorized access to an information system
  2. 3. Series of numbers assigned
  3. 4. Fake Website/URL Address
  4. 5. Storage for infected files
  5. 8. Unexpected failure of a system component
  6. 9. Online storage
  7. 10. Weaknesses in a system
  8. 12. Masks IP address and location
  9. 14. Denied access/Privileges
  10. 16. Applications with instructions for computer tasks
  11. 18. Malware that self reproduces
  12. 19. used to auto-perform repetitive tasks