
  1. 4. 2(wds) altered videos
  2. 8. rearranged letters
  3. 9. masquerade as a trusted source
  4. 10. random data added
  5. 11. disguised
  6. 12. hiding a message
  7. 14. can copy itself and infect
  8. 16. running in the background
  9. 17. 2(Wds) trust is a vulnerability
  1. 1. event that might compromise security
  2. 2. Fingerprint, Retina Scan
  3. 3. making free long distance calls
  4. 5. Illicit and hidden
  5. 6. a fictitious online identity
  6. 7. unlock operating system
  7. 13. dominate in such a fashion as to gain ownership
  8. 15. safe place