
  1. 4. CLI command to search for a pattern of letters
  2. 6. Program used to collect cryptocurrency
  3. 8. The telephone equivalent of phishing
  4. 9. Protocol that WannaCry took advantage of
  5. 12. First step in the cyber kill chain
  6. 13. A compromised computer in a botnet
  7. 15. Command to identify Ethernet devices
  8. 16. Process security analysts use to search for advanced threats
  9. 17. Resolve hostnames to IP addresses
  10. 20. The second in the CIA triad
  1. 1. ... is the process of directing the company approach to security
  2. 2. ... systems use physical characteristics to determine access
  3. 3. The process of adding allowed programs to a list is called ...
  4. 5. Testing technique using invalid or random data as input
  5. 7. A weakness that can be exploited
  6. 10. Specifies who gets access to what
  7. 11. The process of reversing encoded data is ...
  8. 14. The approach of using multiple layers of security
  9. 18. Piece of forensic data identifying potential malicious activity
  10. 19. Uses rules to allow or block traffic