Cybersecurity Cr0$$w0rd Puzz|3
- 2. Horse
- 5. Unsolicited emails
- 7. Taking advantage of vulnerability
- 8. Capture of data being transmitted
- 10. Malicious software
- 13. Challenge-response verification test
- 14. Process that safeguards online assets
- 15. Virtual perimeter around network
- 16. Malicious code to harm victims
- 17. Virtual secure corridor
- 18. Deletion of all or part
- 19. Dark web
- 1. Infectious malware that spreads
- 3. Process to verify identity
- 4. Bypasses security steps to gain access
- 6. False or misleading information
- 8. Malware that uses scare tactics
- 9. Breach
- 11. Fraudulent acquisition of user credentials
- 12. Plain text into secret code
- 20. Malicious program to extort money