Cybersecurity - malware

  1. 2. The Computer ____ Act makes it an offence to impair the operation of a computer
  2. 3. Do this to movies or games from illegal websites to catch a become infected from a computer virus
  3. 7. Gaining unauthorised access to a computer system
  4. 10. Attacker demands that a ransom be paid before they decrypt files and unlock the computer
  5. 11. A large collection of malware-infected devices
  6. 12. Self-replicating software
  1. 1. May be disguised as a game which then gives an attacker access via a backdoor
  2. 2. Malicious software
  3. 4. Distributed Denial of Service attack
  4. 5. Monitors and gathers information on a person and how they use their computer
  5. 6. Replicates themselves and spread through the network and use the system's resources
  6. 8. Displays malicious adverts or pop-ups
  7. 9. Records every keystroke made by a user