Cybersecurity Awareness Month - Week 3

  1. 5. Cirrus' tool for endpoint security
  2. 7. A memorized secret consisting of a sequence of random words that is longer than a typical password
  3. 13. Cirrus' email security platform
  4. 14. A password attack that uses trial-and-error by attempting every possible combination
  5. 15. Malware that disables access to data until a fee is paid
  6. 16. A type of virus that automatically spreads itself
  1. 1. software designed to detect and destroy viruses
  2. 2. A network of devices infected and controlled by the same virus
  3. 3. A physical device that connects to a network
  4. 4. A social engineering attack delivered by SMS text message
  5. 6. A phishing attack aimed at senior executives
  6. 8. The process of encoding data using complex algorithms for confidentiality
  7. 9. An attack that prompts an MFA approval request over and over
  8. 10. Malware that is disguised as legitimate software
  9. 11. A social engineering technique where an attacker creates a fake scenario
  10. 12. A type of trojan spyware that records your keystrokes