
  1. 1. One that depresses or restrains; a dulling or deadening influence
  2. 2. A state or scene of noisy uproar and confusion
  3. 4. Favors shown to relatives and friends
  4. 7. To brag greatly
  5. 10. A sudden downfall; collapse or failure
  6. 12. Having a feeling of ill-will; bitter hostility
  7. 14. After Consuela failed her vocabulary test, her mother disowned her, ___ the day she decided to have a child.
  8. 15. To discourage; to keep someone from doing something
  9. 17. to attempt to equal or surpass; especially through imitation; to copy
  10. 19. Showing lack of interest
  11. 23. To gain possession of; to acquire; get
  12. 24. To regret, be sorry for
  13. 25. To decrease gradually
  14. 26. To be agitated, as by rage; to churn and foam as if boiling
  1. 1. Hardship, restraint, confinement
  2. 3. Shrek ___ to multiple fairy tales.
  3. 5. The division of something into parts
  4. 6. An extremely large number
  5. 8. To give up doing; to surrender, give in
  6. 9. Hard to understand
  7. 11. Violent, unbounded, unrestrained
  8. 13. To carry on despite hardships; to put up with
  9. 15. Entirely without; lacking
  10. 16. Capable of being touched of felt
  11. 18. There is one particular food that I ___: fried okra!
  12. 20. To consist of; to include, to contain, to be made up of
  13. 21. Distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved
  14. 22. The first thing Elizabeth noticed when she walked up the sidewalk to her house was that the curtains were ____, as if someone had been watching her from the window.