Daddy O and Miss O

  1. 4. And that’s a touchdown! ___! PACK! ___! PACK!
  2. 6. A cup of water is not complete without ___
  3. 7. When we drove to a Powhatan park in our fancy attire to take selfies after I got out of my ___
  4. 8. When you would always confuse Lyndsay and ____
  5. 10. “First you were in frozen, then you were in ___, now you’re in jail…”
  6. 13. The classic 2000s Art look- socks with sandals, tie dyed shirt, and a dark blonde ___
  7. 14. Cutting down our Charlie Brown ___ right before Christmas from the woods
  8. 15. The __ stones will always have your heart
  9. 18. Sharing many bunless burgers at ___
  10. 19. “___ with laser beams on their heads”
  11. 21. Much to Max’s dismay, sometimes we would do a ___ train
  1. 1. You were the best host for ___, your spectacular summer soirée!
  2. 2. When you tried to set me up with the Proctor boy during the unforgettable winter party at ___ Hall
  3. 3. Endless ___ rallies in the living room at the cabin
  4. 5. The number ___ is always assigned to you during our rendition of the twelve days of Christmas
  5. 9. On Sundays in high school, you would take me on a shopping ___
  6. 11. Growing up, I would always watch you mix so many ___ in your breakfast bowl
  7. 12. Every time we go to a state game, it’s somehow always ___ appreciation day
  8. 16. Yelling for ___ to swim back to our kayak instead of chase animals on shore
  9. 17. If we ever went up to the buffet more than once, we were “doing the ___”
  10. 20. “Who throws a ___, honestly?”