Daily Activities

  1. 2. meal at night eat
  2. 4. to take a rest
  3. 5. teacher gives you after school
  4. 7. to move along, but not running
  5. 10. you wear your cloth
  6. 11. cleaning all stuffs after eat
  7. 13. meal in the middle of the day
  8. 14. meal in the morning
  9. 16. tidy up your hair
  10. 17. you move fast with your foot
  11. 18. after eating
  1. 1. you do it while taking a bath of after eat
  2. 3. put something in a particular place or position
  3. 4. removing hair
  4. 6. you look at a movie or others
  5. 8. to make something or someone ready
  6. 9. after sleeping
  7. 10. back after school
  8. 12. when you are hungry
  9. 15. you do it to know something