Daily Bulldog: Daylight Savings Thyme

  1. 1. Local college radio station
  2. 5. Vampire curfew
  3. 6. Poet who might have been a big fan of Daylight Savings, and not gentle good nights
  4. 9. American news magazine often noted for its Person of the Year choice
  5. 11. "Time to make the _________"
  6. 14. __________, Rosemary, and Thyme
  7. 16. Tastes great, less filling beer
  8. 17. Measure of Thyme
  9. 18. This time is a charm
  1. 2. Alleged father of Daylight Savings
  2. 3. Family Thyme belongs to
  3. 4. Measure of time
  4. 5. Opposite of weak
  5. 7. "Fall backward, _______ ahead"
  6. 8. Soap opera, "Days of our _________"
  7. 10. Local favorite WKTJ segment
  8. 12. Herb that rhymes with rhyme
  9. 13. psychedelic soul group, wrote "Time Has Come Today"
  10. 15. Her candle burns at both ends