Daily Bulldog - Get Schooled

  1. 1. The G in G.D. Cushing School
  2. 5. Department head with a list
  3. 6. Beauty School ___________
  4. 7. County Commissioner who teaches at Day Mountain School
  5. 9. Reading. Writing, and _____________
  6. 11. Who you graduate with
  7. 13. Mt Abram athletic mascot
  8. 15. Your "pal" in Principle
  9. 17. Another name for High School?
  10. 18. They swim in schools
  1. 1. Wilton Library street and Principal at Cascade Brook
  2. 2. Old School in Farmington that is now a park
  3. 3. Normal School Principal with Elementary School named after him
  4. 4. School's out forever?
  5. 8. New Sharon School for youngsters on a Hill
  6. 10. Type of school UMF used to be?
  7. 12. Name associated with RSU 9 Tech center
  8. 14. Best part of school for some
  9. 16. School's Out for this Alice?