Daily Bulldog - Get Schooled
- 1. The G in G.D. Cushing School
- 5. Department head with a list
- 6. Beauty School ___________
- 7. County Commissioner who teaches at Day Mountain School
- 9. Reading. Writing, and _____________
- 11. Who you graduate with
- 13. Mt Abram athletic mascot
- 15. Your "pal" in Principle
- 17. Another name for High School?
- 18. They swim in schools
- 1. Wilton Library street and Principal at Cascade Brook
- 2. Old School in Farmington that is now a park
- 3. Normal School Principal with Elementary School named after him
- 4. School's out forever?
- 8. New Sharon School for youngsters on a Hill
- 10. Type of school UMF used to be?
- 12. Name associated with RSU 9 Tech center
- 14. Best part of school for some
- 16. School's Out for this Alice?