Daily Bulldog - Late Edition

  1. 3. Latest to the finish line?
  2. 5. Show David Letterman hosted
  3. 6. how you're running when you're late
  4. 7. Name Disney originally was going to give to Mickey
  5. 9. when you don't show up
  6. 11. A type of late to be, usually for parties
  7. 12. companion for a pestle
  8. 13. What you miss when late to the movies
  9. 14. what holds the bricks together
  1. 1. When you're referred to as the late?
  2. 2. The E in ETA
  3. 4. Not the former, but the __________
  4. 6. phrase you might say when you are a little late
  5. 8. What Jackson Browne is Running on?
  6. 10. what you might be marked at school when late
  7. 12. short range weapon that fires explosives at high angles