Daily Bulldog - Mother's Day

  1. 3. MOAB stands for Mother Of All ____________
  2. 5. also known as nacre, Mother of ____________
  3. 6. American progressive magazine
  4. 9. Neither _______
  5. 10. Mother of environmental movements, silent spring author
  6. 12. The mother of all invention
  7. 14. Americans buy an estimated 113 million of these for Mother's Day
  8. 15. Official flower of Mother's Day
  1. 1. Mother associated with nursery rhymes
  2. 2. Mother’s Day is the third most lucrative holiday of the year for them
  3. 4. Spending behavior on holidays
  4. 7. Mother of the environmental justice movement _________ Johnson
  5. 8. Childhood game, Mother ________ (two words)
  6. 11. Founder of Mother's Day in the US
  7. 13. She was a saint, officially in 2016