Daily Bulldog - Much to Do About Summer

  1. 3. High Peaks activity
  2. 5. Cool treat for hot days
  3. 6. Outdoor movie on the big screen, literally
  4. 8. Summer destination where you might be waving all day?
  5. 12. Why lots of people come to Maine
  6. 13. Not an ocean liner, but a place to take your classic car
  7. 14. Some people throw it as an insult, some people seek it when it's hot
  8. 16. Kingfield Pops is an example
  9. 19. Travolta and Newton-John classic Greasy number?
  1. 1. John Prine song, Fish and ___________
  2. 2. Smalls Falls and Coos Canyon are popular local ones
  3. 4. Boating option
  4. 7. Place you plant the beginning of the harvest
  5. 9. It's not the heat, it's the ____________
  6. 10. Good for the campsite or the circus
  7. 11. Katy Perry's favorite summer night event?
  8. 15. They aren't really longer in the summer
  9. 17. What a lot of Mainers get "upta" in the summer?
  10. 18. What some people love about summer, and others hate
  11. 20. The only thing some people work on in the summer