Daily Bulldog - Musically Inclined

  1. 1. where you are
  2. 3. Professor of Music at UMF, performing “A Pianist’s Playlist“ Nov 7th and Nov 8th
  3. 5. Exceptionally talented young one
  4. 6. Founder of the Franklin County Fiddlers
  5. 8. UMF auditorium dedicated to Madame Lillian
  6. 9. A slope
  7. 11. Product of steeping?
  1. 2. Mountain side or wicked expensive?
  2. 4. Assistant Professor of Music Composition at UMF
  3. 7. commonly used as the basis of jazz arrangements and improvisations
  4. 8. smaller parts of a composition or sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and savoury parts of taste
  5. 10. Bandleader of The Sandy River Ramblers