Daily Bulldog - Seeking Direction

  1. 1. How to get to the top of Tumbledown?
  2. 6. Introduction in a book
  3. 11. Taxidermist might want yours, even if their not mad at you
  4. 12. Figuring out where you're at, not just on your first day
  5. 13. Baserunner's goal?
  6. 14. Collective oblivious?
  7. 15. Someone from Hancock or Washington County
  8. 17. Three letter way to find your way these days
  9. 18. Where you can't get from here
  10. 19. Doctor Jekyll's proper name for Evil Eddie
  1. 2. Downside up?
  2. 3. A little birdie told me these are the 4 main directions
  3. 4. Wicked time of storm in the winter
  4. 5. Might be up on an Australian Map
  5. 7. Outside In?
  6. 8. According to Matthew, Seek and you shall ___________
  7. 9. Tool in navigation or geometry class
  8. 10. The "R" on the gear shift
  9. 16. The Arrow of Time always points toward this