Daily Bulldog - Weather or not

  1. 4. bleak, dull, lifeless
  2. 7. a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
  3. 14. dangerous event with lots of rain in a short time
  4. 15. Known as "The Queen of Disco"
  5. 16. What it has done pretty much everyday this summer
  6. 17. Weather normally associated with Summer
  7. 18. hit song by the Classics IV
  8. 19. Sky condition or a bad fisherman's habit?
  9. 20. The other half of Cher's Pop-Duo
  1. 1. The clear liquid part of the blood
  2. 2. Other name for snow and rain
  3. 3. period of a sovereign's rule
  4. 5. a shift in winds that often causes a very rainy season
  5. 6. Accomplished Comedian who was also voice of Papa Smurf, Johnathan ____________
  6. 8. What comes after lightning
  7. 9. Actor best known for role as Dwight on The Office
  8. 10. mental state of mind or opposite of sunny
  9. 11. It's not the heat, it's this according to some
  10. 12. What you take a horse by
  11. 13. Type of summer day or IPA beer