Daily Philosophy #3 - daily-philosophy.com, June 2021

  1. 1. Founder of the Cyrenaic school of philosophy
  2. 5. Buddhism has a theory of the Five ... that make up a person's identity
  3. 6. According to Epicurus, pleasures can be static or ...
  4. 7. The theory that the only thing that counts in life is pleasure.
  5. 9. The most prominent of the ancient atomists
  6. 11. An organism that contains genes from multiple species
  7. 12. This element gets its name from the Greek word for "sun"
  8. 13. He said that one cannot step into the same river twice
  1. 2. "... rhei" said Heraclitus
  2. 3. Douglas Adams wrote the ... Guide to the Galaxy
  3. 4. The organ that is most sought after for organ transplants
  4. 5. Epicurus believed that the world is made up of ...
  5. 8. The ... of the wise is better than the prosperity of the fool, says Epicurus
  6. 10. John Stuart ..., British utilitarian philosopher