Dalton Mullenix lavaca

  1. 2. I would rather go to the park THAN, THEN the store.
  2. 4. Did you LOOSE, LOSE something?
  3. 6. I CHOSE, CHOOSE to go to the movies.
  4. 7. I played AMONG, BETWEEN us in art class.
  5. 9. THERE,THEY'RE,THEIR is a fox in the chicken hen!
  6. 10. I SAT, SIT down and thought about life.
  1. 1. I had to go see the PRINCEIPLE,PRINCIPAL today.
  2. 3. I want TO,TWO,TOO go eat something.
  3. 4. I am going to LIE, LAY down for a bit.
  4. 5. Why is YOUR, YOU'RE shoe on backwards?
  5. 6. I went to the CAPITOL,CAPITAL this weekend.
  6. 7. the AFFECT, EFFECT of the bug bite is swelling and soreness.
  7. 8. IT'S,ITS hot in here.