Dance Vocabulary Crossword

  1. 1. The order in which a series of movements and shapes occurs.
  2. 3. Dance marked by movement isolations and complex, propulsive polyrhythms. It is an outgrowth of African-American ragtime, jazz, spirituals, blues, work songs, and so forth and is considered an American dance style.
  3. 4. Dance movement that takes place at the same time in a group.
  4. 7. The duplication of movements or movement phrases within choreography.
  5. 10. A type of dance that began as a rebellion against steps and positions, and values expressive and original or authentic movement. It is a twentieth-century idiom.
  6. 11. The positioning of the body in space: curved, straight, angular, twisted, symmetrical, or asymmetrical.
  7. 12. Dance associated with a nationalistic purpose, usually performed today as a surviving portion of a traditional celebration and done for social gatherings or as recreation.
  8. 14. Unit of measure of rhythmic time
  9. 16. The movement of a body part or combination of parts, with emphasis on the expressive aspects of the move. It includes all movements of the body not supporting weight.
  10. 19. A structure of movement patterns in time; a movement with a regular succession of strong and weak elements; the pattern produced by emphasis and duration of notes in music.
  11. 20. A category of dance characterized by similarities in form, style, purpose, or subject matter (for example, African, ballet, ballroom, hip hop, modern, Polynesian, etc.).
  12. 21. Movement done with one body part or a small part of the body. Examples are rolling the head, shrugging the shoulders, and rotating the pelvis.
  13. 22. An element of dance that refers to the immediate spherical space surrounding the body in all directions. Use of space includes shape, direction, path, range, and level of movement. Space is also the location of a performed dance.
  14. 23. Attention and sensitivity to the musical elements of dance while creating or performing.
  1. 1. The way in which a dance is constructed or organized; a supporting framework or the essential parts of a dance.
  2. 2. A partial dance idea composed of a series of connecting movements and similar to a sentence in the written form.
  3. 5. The way in which the parts of a dance are organized.
  4. 6. A repeated sequence of movement ideas, a rhythmic movement sequence, a spatial design on the floor or in the air, or a specific relationship or grouping of people.
  5. 8. Dance done in a social setting. It is traditionally referred to as ballroom dance but includes all popular social dances performed with or without partners. Examples: Salsa, Mamba, The Juba Dance, Swing Dance, The Running Man or even tik tok dances!
  6. 9. The creation and composition of dances by arranging or inventing steps, movements, and patterns of movements.
  7. 13. An element of dance involving rhythm, phrasing, tempo, accent, and duration. Time can be metered, as in music, or based on body rhythms, such as breath, emotions, and heartbeat.
  8. 14. A classical Western dance form that originated in the Renaissance courts of Europe. By the time of Louis XIV (mid-1600s), steps and body positions underwent codification.
  9. 15. The physical skills of a dancer that enable him or her to execute the steps and movements required in different dances. Different styles or genres of dance often have specific techniques.
  10. 17. The speed of music or a dance.
  11. 18. The energy of movement expressed in varying intensity, accent, and quality.
  12. 24. A type of dance that concentrates on footwork and rhythm. This type of dance grew out of American popular dancing, with significant roots in African-American, Irish, and English clogging traditions.