Danica's Natural Disasters

  1. 4. An overhanging ledge of snow
  2. 6. This hurricane happened in 2005 and was a stage 5
  3. 9. Fan triangle shaped deposit of gravel, sand, and sediment
  4. 10. Hurricanes spin in a couterclockwise rotation in this hemisphere
  5. 13. The hottest layer of the earth
  6. 14. Slope that increases in steepness as it descends
  1. 1. The volcano that destroyed Pompeii
  2. 2. A supervolcanoes located on the Gulf of Pzzuoli
  3. 3. The movement of continents
  4. 5. This increases a hurricane gives it fuel
  5. 7. bigger than Dixie Alley
  6. 8. Called this in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean
  7. 11. Earths strongest storms
  8. 12. The highest danger rating of a landslide