
  1. 3. Daniel prophesies that this structure will be rebuilt
  2. 5. Azariah's Babylonian name
  3. 8. This animal has a horn that is replaced by four other horns
  4. 10. This beast of Daniel's vision is symbolic of the Greeks
  5. 13. The number of weeks of Daniel's prophecy concerning the end
  6. 14. The king who gives the decree that allows the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem
  7. 16. The one who may be the prince of the seventieth week
  8. 21. Babylonian king who saw the hand writing on the wall
  9. 23. Hananiah's Babylonian name
  10. 24. The number of horns the fourth beast of Daniel's vision has
  11. 25. The anointed one who will be cut off after the sixty-ninth week
  12. 27. Number of years Nebuchadnezzar wandered like a wild beast
  13. 28. King of the Medes who conquered Babylon
  14. 29. Greatest ruler of Babylon
  15. 31. The gold head of Nebuchadnezzar's dream
  1. 1. This led to Nebuchadnezzar having to wander like a beast
  2. 2. Mene, Mene, ________, Parsin
  3. 4. The silver chest and arms of Nebuchadnezzar's dream
  4. 6. Mishael's Babylonian name
  5. 7. Bronze belly and thighs of Nebuchadnezzar's dream
  6. 9. Symbol for Nebuchadnezzar in his dream
  7. 11. A large _____ strikes the feet of the statue and it destroys the entire image
  8. 12. Punishment for those who wouldn't bow to the golden image
  9. 15. What is in the mouth of the bear from Daniel's vision
  10. 17. The name given to the seventieth week that is referenced in the book of Revelation
  11. 18. Iron legs of Nebuchadnezzar's dream
  12. 19. The little horn wages war against these people
  13. 20. This animal's horns represent the kings of Media and Persia
  14. 21. This beast of Daniel's vision representing Medo-Persia
  15. 22. What those disobedient to Darius' decree would encounter
  16. 26. This beast of Daniel's vision represents the nation of Babylon
  17. 30. Daniel's Babylonian name