Daniel 2 OL Terms Review

  1. 2. [the king] gave the command to _________ all the wise men of Babylon
  2. 6. This image’s head was of fine ________
  3. 8. Blessed be the name of God ________ and ever
  4. 9. But there is a God in heaven who ________ secrets
  5. 10. Nebuchadnezzar had ________
  6. 11. its chest and ________ of silver
  7. 13. and your houses shall be made an ________
  8. 14. its belly and thighs of ________
  9. 17. This image’s ________ was of fine gold
  10. 18. its chest and arms of ________
  1. 1. its belly and ________ of bronze
  2. 3. if you do not ________ the dream to me
  3. 4. Then the ________ was revealed to Daniel in a night vision
  4. 5. Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night ________
  5. 7. its ________ and arms of silver
  6. 8. The dream is certain, and its interpretation is ________
  7. 10. the great God has made known to the king what will _________ after this
  8. 12. The dream is ________, and its interpretation is sure
  9. 15. O king, were watching; and behold, a great ________
  10. 16. its ________ and thighs of bronze