
  1. 1. The king's dream and it's interpretation was revealed to Daniel in a night ________.(2:19)
  2. 3. Mishael's name was changed to ___________. (1:7)
  3. 4. In the kings dream, a ___________ was cut out without hands which destroyed the great image. (2:34)
  4. 6. "Daniel purposed in his __________ that he would not defile himself" with the king's meat and wine. (1:8)
  5. 8. king said to Daniel, "___________ God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets." (2:47)
  6. 9. Azariah's name was changed to _________. (1:7)
  7. 10. The king of Babylon. ___________ (1:1)
  8. 13. Daniel's name was changed to ______________ (1:7)
  1. 2. The king commanded that all the wise men of Babylon should be __________(killed). (2:12-13)
  2. 4. Hananiah's name was changed to _____________ (1:7)
  3. 5. When Daniel revealed the dream and it's interpretation, the king fell on his __________ and worshiped. (2:47)
  4. 6. Daniel told the king what he asked for was impossible of man, "but there is a God in ___________." (2:28)
  5. 7. Daniel and his companions answered the kings questions __________ times better than all of the wise men and advisors in his realm. (1:20)
  6. 11. Daniel had understanding in all visions and __________. (1:17)
  7. 12. The king of Babylon woke up from a terrible __________ that troubled his spirit. (2:1)