
  1. 4. Henry’s little sister
  2. 5. Jewish law in Leviticus said don’t eat this.
  3. 8. Daniel gets thrown in the fiery furnace
  4. 11. Daniel ate this instead of the King’s meat
  5. 14. If you didn’t eat the king's meat, what would you eat?
  1. 1. Daniel refused to eat the King’s meat and …?
  2. 2. How many days was Daniel’s food test?
  3. 3. Daniel worshipped the King, sometimes, true?
  4. 6. One of the three Deathly Hallows is the cloak of …
  5. 7. This king threw Daniel in the lion’s den
  6. 9. After Daniel interpreted the dream, the King said he admired this quality.
  7. 10. Daniel interpreted which King’s dream?
  8. 12. In the King’s dream, who smashed the statue?
  9. 13. One of the three boys thrown into the fiery furnace