Daniel Review Crossword

  1. 2. Each part of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream represented a different ________________________.
  2. 6. Daniel's Babylonian name was ___________________________.
  3. 10. One king of the Persian kingdom was ______________________.
  4. 13. ____________________ refused to bow before the statue.
  5. 15. The arms and chest of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream were made of ________________.
  6. 16. In a dream Nebuchadnezzar saw a very large ____________________.
  7. 17. The Babylonian kingdom was defeated by the Medes and ______________________.
  8. 18. Daniel and his three friends refused to eat the royal ________________.
  9. 20. God punished Nebuchadnezzar by making him crawl on the ground and act like an __________________.
  10. 21. The legs of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream were made of ___________________.
  11. 22. Daniel prayed to the Lord _______________ times a day.
  1. 1. Daniel's three friends were thrown into the fiery furnace.
  2. 3. The head of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream was made of ___________________.
  3. 4. __________________ also refused to worship the statue.
  4. 5. a mysterious ________________ appeared at Belshazzar's party.
  5. 7. The Lord closed the ___________________ of the lions.
  6. 8. Belshazzar held a feast and used the _____________________ from the Jerusalem temple.
  7. 9. Nebuchadnezzar demanded that everyone ______________________________ the golden statue.
  8. 11. ____________________ would not bow before the statue.
  9. 12. The message on the wall read "Mene, Mene, _______________, Parsin"
  10. 14. Daniel was thrown into a _________________ of lions.
  11. 15. King Darius felt ________________ that he had to put Daniel in the lion's den.
  12. 19. _____________________ was able to interpret dreams with God's help.