Daniel's 80th Birthday Celebration

  1. 2. Name Suffix
  2. 5. Favorite Old Hobby
  3. 7. Birthday Month
  4. 9. Age
  5. 11. Singing Group
  6. 13. Favorite Drink
  7. 14. Branch of Service
  8. 17. State of Birth
  9. 18. Sibling Order
  10. 20. Morning Activity
  1. 1. October's Travel
  2. 3. Musical Instrument
  3. 4. Height
  4. 6. Go-to Ice Cream Flavor
  5. 8. Dream Car Model
  6. 10. Dream Travel Destination
  7. 12. Wednesday Committment
  8. 15. Favorite Color
  9. 16. Accessory of Choice
  10. 19. Morning Sip