Danyons super awsome hectic crossword
- 2. archery is this countries national sport
- 3. PIZZA!!!PASTA!!!
- 7. the coldest continent on earth
- 11. largest country in the world
- 14. ukeleyleys,grass skirts and coconuts
- 16. country known for the queen and crumpets
- 1. the lord of the rings was filmed here
- 4. Santa lives here
- 5. Braught us cheep stuff from ebay and awsome unique cuisine
- 6. brought us pokemon and sushi
- 8. your standing on it
- 9. Nants ingonyama bagithi baba ithi uhhmm ingonyama Igonyama
- 10. DONUTS!!!WAl-MART!!!
- 12. SNAILS!!!
- 13. MAPLE SYRUP!!!
- 15. i am an elephant from 'blank'