Darrien Menezes: Business 18

  1. 6. Hear appeals from district courts and review orders
  2. 7. state jurisdiction: Jurisdiction over all others non federal
  3. 8. One or two levels highest court decision is final except those cases reviewed by the Supreme Court
  4. 9. Get two parties together and a neutral person or counselor instead of going to court
  5. 10. Hear minor criminal cases such as traffic offenses and civil cases
  6. 12. Reading the trial before determining the judgment or proceeding with a court case
  7. 14. Trial courts of general jurisdiction that can heat and decide most legal controversies
  8. 15. Civil and criminal cases
  9. 16. Against am entire community "robbing a bank"
  10. 19. Based on previous cases
  11. 20. Fundamental laws
  12. 21. Rights and duties a wrong against an individual or other legal entity "driving on someones lawn"
  13. 22. knowing the facts that the public doesn't know
  14. 23. Relief from civil wrong or injury
  15. 24. Law creating methods of enforcement
  16. 25. What is right or wrong for humans
  17. 26. Criminal intent or mental fault
  1. 1. Authority of a court judge a controversy of a particular kind of case
  2. 2. No contest or default
  3. 3. Series of statements that give notice and establish the issues and facts, law presented and disputed
  4. 4. Nation’s highest court, review decisions of the federal court of appeals and highest state courts
  5. 5. Over certain cases of the federal law and unemployment
  6. 11. Rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power in a state
  7. 13. Treaties and executive orders
  8. 17. Do the benefits outweigh the risks "Cost benefit, tradeoff"
  9. 18. People and the Government