Das Wetter und Die Jahreszeiten

  1. 2. hot
  2. 4. We don't have school in this seasons.
  3. 5. The leaves change during this season.
  4. 8. This season is cold and snowy.
  5. 10. It's measured in Fahrenheit and Celsius.
  6. 11. It's sunny.
  7. 12. It's foggy.
  8. 14. Snow
  9. 16. It's Snowing!
  1. 1. Flowers come back to life in this season.
  2. 3. It's cloudy
  3. 6. It's raining!
  4. 7. Rain
  5. 9. It's stormy.
  6. 13. It's hailing.
  7. 15. cold