  1. 3. Sequalae: Increased risk of Type 2 ____ due to insulin resistance
  2. 4. Investigation: _____ tolerance test or insulin sensitivity tests
  3. 6. Definition: PCOS is a common endocrine disorder in women of [see other question] age. It is characterised by a combination of symptoms such as [see other question](excess male hormones), ovulatory dysfunction, and _______ ovaries
  4. 9. Risk factor: family history of PCOS or T2 diabetes
  5. 10. Symptom: difficulty in conceiving due to irregular or absent ovulation
  6. 12. Sequalae: Higher likelihood of ____ diseases, including hypertension and dyslipidemia
  7. 15. Sign: excessive hair growth, typically on the face or body
  8. 16. Sign: increased weight around the abdomen
  9. 17. Treatment: taken to improve insulin resistance and potentially promote ovulation
  10. 18. Investigation: Lipid profile to assess ____ levels (dyslipidemia is common in PCOS)
  11. 21. Clomiphene Treatment: citrate or other _____ treatments to induce ovulation for women trying to conceive.
  12. 22. Risk factor: Sedentary _____ and poor diet can exacerbate symptoms
  13. 23. Definition: PCOS is a common endocrine disorder in women of [see other question] age. It is characterised by a combination of symptoms such as _______(excess male hormones), ovulatory dysfunction, and [see other question] ovaries
  1. 1. Pathophysiology: _____ luteinising hormone (LH) and altered follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels also contribute to ovarian dysfunction
  2. 2. Pathophysiology: A key feature of PCOS is insulin resistance, leading to compensatory ________, which stimulates the ovaries to produce excess androgens, disrupting normal ovulation
  3. 5. Treatment: taken to regulate menstrual cycles and reduce androgen levels
  4. 7. Treatment: Drugs like spironolactone to reduce hirsutism and acne.
  5. 8. Investigation: this is to measure hormone levels: elevated androgens, LH, and sometimes prolactin.
  6. 11. Symptom: absence of menstruation
  7. 13. Sign: dark, velvety patches of skin, often seen on the neck or underarms, associated with insulin resistance
  8. 14. Definition: PCOS is a common endocrine disorder in women of _______ age. It is characterised by a combination of symptoms such as [see other question](excess male hormones), ovulatory dysfunction, and [see other question] ovaries
  9. 19. Symptom: Irregular periods
  10. 20. Investigation: to visualise the ovaries and check for the characteristic "string of pearls" appearance
  11. 24. Sequalae: Greater risk of _____ hyperplasia and cancer due to prolonged exposure to unopposed oestrogen