David Crossword

  1. 2. What gave David power?
  2. 5. To make sacred
  3. 7. How should you serve God?
  4. 8. A horn of oil is used to...?
  5. 9. What is better than to sacrifice?
  6. 10. Israel was at war with the…?
  7. 12. David’s best friend
  8. 13. Jonathan’s father
  9. 14. What do you pass on to your children?
  10. 16. David came against Goliath in the name of the…?
  1. 1. A shepherd anointed by Samuel
  2. 2. A prophet of God
  3. 3. The lord does not look at the…?
  4. 4. The lord looks at the…?
  5. 6. David’s son
  6. 11. Who died from a stone?
  7. 15. David became the king of…?