David & Goliath - Enemies In Perspective

  1. 2. David did not brace himself against the enemies attack or approach him cautiously. He __________ toward Goliath, showing his confidence in the Lord. Our actions are the evidence of what kind of heart we have. (1 Sm. 17:48)
  2. 4. Saul told David that he was not a match for Goliath because he was just a __________. (1 Sm. 17:33)
  3. 6. These were coverings tied onto the lower leg to protect them in combat and from impediments like thorns and briers. (1 Sm. 17:6)
  4. 8. Goliath was the __________ of the Philistine army. (1 Sm. 17:4)
  5. 12. The Israelites were fighting against the army of the __________. (1 Sm. 17:1)
  6. 14. In battle, a man would often carry the __________ of a warrior in front of him as he fought. (1 Sm. 17:7)
  7. 16. Each army was encamped on a mountain with a _________ between them. (1 Sm. 17:3)
  8. 17. The Lord drove the first stone David slung through Goliath’s brass helmet and deep into his __________.
  9. 19. Goliath wore a coat of scale armor called a coat of ________ that weighed about 125 pounds. (1 Sm. 17:5)
  10. 20. David used Goliath’s __________ to cut off Goliath’s head. (1 Sm. 17:51)
  11. 21. Saul and the Israelites were greatly afraid and __________ (disheartened) by Goliath’s challenge. (1 Sm. 17:11)
  12. 22. This type of shield was the largest kind of shield, designed to protect the whole __________.
  13. 24. This was a light javelin slung over the shoulder for a quick weapon. (1 Sm. 17:6)
  14. 25. Goliath had a helmet of __________. (1 Sm. 17:5)
  1. 1. David approached his enemy with the __________ of the Lord. (1 Sm. 17:45)
  2. 3. A __________ equals two spans (about 18.225 inches). (1 Sm. 17:4)
  3. 4. David was the __________ of his brothers. (1 Sm. 17:14)
  4. 5. The iron ________ of Goliath’s spear weighed 15 pounds alone. (1 Sm. 17:7)
  5. 7. David had learned by __________ that every obstacle is small in God’s perspective. The Lord would deliver him from Goliath as easily as from anything else. (1 Sm. 17:37)
  6. 9. A __________ equals three palms (about 9.1012 inches). (1 Sm. 17:4)
  7. 10. Goliath stood __________ cubits and a span tall. (1 Sm. 17:4)
  8. 11. Where did David’s family live? (1 Sm. 17:15)
  9. 13. Goliath’s spear had a staff so large, it was like a __________ from a weaving machine to them. (1 Sm. 17:7)
  10. 14. David presented the head of Goliath to King __________. (1 Sm. 17:57)
  11. 15. David looked above the conflict and saw a __________. (1 Sm. 17:29)
  12. 17. Goliath presented himself to the army of Israel for __________ days. (1 Sm. 17:16)
  13. 18. As Goliath had a shield that provided cover for his whole body, the Lord promises to “compass” (surround) the righteous with a shield of __________ (delight; special attention). (Ps. 5:12)
  14. 23. David’s father’s name was ________. (1 Sm. 17:12)