  1. 6. A Security guard who uses excessive force is committing
  2. 8. A Security guard can make an arrest when he finds someone committing a _______ offence
  3. 10. ____________can arrest on a " Found Committing " indictable offence
  4. 11. Security guards keep make entries during a shift in a
  5. 13. A person who lies on the stand is committing
  1. 1. The Criminal Code is _________ law
  2. 2. A minor criminal offence
  3. 3. Under the trespass to property act a security can only
  4. 4. A serious criminal offence
  5. 5. A security guard does not have the same power as the __________
  6. 7. Every person who is acting as a security guard shall carry his/her___________
  7. 9. Security guards have to follow a "code of _____________"
  8. 12. An offence which has the option of being summary or indictable
  9. 14. Who determines what evidence will be allowed in court?