Day 6 Vocab Review

  1. 1. what you do to the last bite of your favorite food
  2. 6. another word for widespread
  3. 9. how plans are made
  4. 12. natural disasters
  5. 14. you should not do this an important decision
  6. 15. not assertive
  1. 1. not obvious
  2. 2. special
  3. 3. if a = b, and b = c, then a = c
  4. 4. delicious foods _ your sense of taste
  5. 5. communicate
  6. 7. Some people believe that "money buys happiness" is a _
  7. 8. the color black
  8. 10. opposite of unclear
  9. 11. evil
  10. 13. trying to achieve